How Valentine’s should be.

This evening many guys and gals are getting lucky because of this one special day. Many of us spent more money than we should’ve, thanks to the commercialization of Valentine’s Day. To be honest, the holiday is really a good and bad thing. This is coming from a dude, I know…mind blown, right?!

After some deep thinking for a few days on what I was going to get my wife. I stopped myself before I made a decision to go to the store. I realized that Valentine’s Day is really about appreciating those that we love deepest. Maybe it can be through flowers, cards and candy; but I think that doesn’t quite scratch the itch.

Valentine’s should be what the true meaning Christmas is. Appreciating what is great in life. For those of us who are fortunate enough to have a lover or companion in our life. This is a special time to let each other, I appreciate you being in life more than ever.

To be honest, I think we don’t stop to just truly LOVE AND APPRECIATE that man or woman in our lives.

So I came up with a better idea.

These are what I call Hot and Cold notes! The concept is super simple. Take two different color Post-It notes.

Make one color “sweet” and the other “sexy”.

For the “sweet” ones, I really took my time and thought about what makes my Louie, so wonderful. Some would be motivational, sweet and wholesome. While others would be about basic stuff, like about her smell, smile and what I thought was beautiful to me.

Now for the “sexy” notes, I got to have fun with them. Some of them would talk about the good things we did in bed, things that excited me and even new activities I’d like us to try. To make it work, I did avoid vulgarities. Let’s be honest, “I want to put my cock inside you.”, just doesn’t come off as romantic.

Instead, I would write “I miss feeling the heat from your mouth, as bodies move together!” Which sounds much sexier than the former.

For me, I did 91 Post-it notes. One for every month we’ve been together. Then for the “sweet” ones I placed them in “cool” areas in the house, like on fans or the refrigerator. The same is then done to the “sexy” ones, by placing them on the stove, a clothing iron or toaster.

To get creative, I used things like faucets to do BOTH on each knob or side.

Honestly, for me it took me a while to do. But was a very cheap way of reconnecting with what matters in your life.

Like the saying goes, “it’s the thought that counts!”

Dabbling into Virtual Reality!

Three weeks ago, I got a gift card to Target and I intended to use it to buy some new clothes.  But the inner geek inside me couldn’t help to avoid the oncoming VR (virtual reality craze!  Once I finished doing some research, I’d realized that Google had released some cheap-ass vr headsets call Cardboard.  Which are literally……


Which is NOT what I wanted.  So I looked up Target’s page and they had a pair that were sturdier.

This is an example of the one I bought, which ended up being 50 bucks.

When I got it, it seemed pretty simple, open up the front once I found a supported VR game, app or video and pop my phone in!  It was, but after about a few hours playing with the apps, the charm of 360 immersion wore off.

Videos were cool, as many of the good ones feature a 360 view where you can feel like you’re actually there.  This was especially cool using Google’s Street View, which lets you explore anywhere on the globe in full view.  But that gets old after a while.  Viewing was also bothersome after a half hour and many times I HAD TO TAKE BREAKS!!  


The games and apps seemed SUPER COOL, but my headset had fairly limited functionality, unlike the fancier Samsung, HTC, Oculous and Sony versions.  Having a controller was pretty mandatory, which I kind of wish VR breaks AWAY from the controller.  (I mean, isn’t that kind of the point of the virtual experience?!)

JUST NOT LIKE THIS!  (Wow!  I can’t believe I remember this movie!) – Stephen King’s Lawnmower Man

I know I’m getting a bit ahead of myself, but I have a feeling that VR STILL HAS A LONG WAY TO GO!  The more expensive rigs will give users a WAYYY better experience than I had and I’m in no way trying to discourage you guys to try out the headsets for yourself.   As a matter of fact, dip your toes in the pool and test the waters yourself and I hope you enjoy the swim

Just bring along a spear gun, just in case!




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