io9: Kids dressing up as Harley Quinn is “gross”

I think the REAL concern here is HOW the kid is being dressed up! Kids at a certain age shouldn’t be dressing up as Suicide Squad Harley with and hot pants that show almost everything! Parents have to do their job and police their own kids. Boys AND girls.
Trust me, when my daughter is 15 or 16 she is gonna attempt to push the envelope with wearing sexier and more revealing attire. It’s mine and my wife’s job to ensure she doesn’t going out trying to attract the wrong attention. Same goes, if she’s dressed up like Ted Bundy or a clown with a REALISTIC prop shotgun.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for self-expression and personal freedom and expression!
Personally, I feel the American culture views violence in a lesser light than sexuality and as Americans we’re sexually repressed.
Regardless, it all comes down to their jobs right and NOT BEING LAZY ABOUT IT!!!!

3 thoughts on “io9: Kids dressing up as Harley Quinn is “gross”

    1. Ya know, you’ve got a point! I saw a whole hell of kids dressed as Deadpool! NOT ONE OF THEM SAID! “Trick or Treat! Hey, do you mind?! I’m STARVIN’ and that extra cheese and olive pie is lookin’ slammin! There’s something about them, with how bitter they are. When I eat em’ I just wanna ‘O LIV O! In my deepest voice, that it’d just make grow hair on my chest. A man hope, right! Sooo, that cool with you…NICE!! Yo! Lady who just butted in front of with kid with the Hulk hands and green face paint with PHAT ASS!!
      BUT you better get a serving spoon and get rid of all that cottage cheese goin on’ first before you park that thing in front of me!! Just sayin’!!

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